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Smart ladder order

2022/10/21 - 19:01

What is a smart ladder order

What is a smart ladder order? 

Ladder Smart Order - CryptoRobotics

Ladder smart orders are a type of smart orders that allow traders to open multiple ladder trades at the same time and also set a ladder for them to take profit and stop loss. The purpose of this function is to help traders implement a network trading strategy.

Ladder Smart Orders is an advanced way to place orders. This type of order is available both on the stock exchange and on the futures exchange. Ladder orders can be executed by opening a limit, market or limit order.

The possibility of intelligent ladder orders in the Cryptorobotics terminal

  • Create ladder smart order parameters:
  • Smart ladder order to buy coins with average entry price
  • Laddered goals for coin sales with partial closures on each gate.
  • Targets in the form of a ladder to sell with "Target target" function (change Stop Loss level when targets are reached)
  • Pursue the last goal in a given level.
  • Standard stop or candle close.
  • Retracement of stop loss.
  • When the specified parameter is reached, move the Stop Loss level to the breakeven point
  • You can set the calculation method for Take Profit and Stop Loss if there is a change in the average entry price.
  • Setting the terms of sale that determines the order of buying and selling in the presence of the ladder.

Edit the parameters of smart ladder orders:

  • Monitor trade execution, average entry price and current income.
  • Add purchase orders or cancel pending orders.
  • Ability to add goals for sales or delete/edit unfulfilled goals.
  • Enable or disable these profit parameters in settings such as trailing ladder and trailing distance.
  • Enable/disable stop loss parameters: trailing, breakeven.
  • Editing the stop loss level.
  • Change the type of stop loss: standard, candle close.
  • The possibility of canceling pending orders and selling the entire purchased volume using the Close all by market function.
  • All pending orders can be canceled using the cancel function.
  • Changing the parameter of the calculation method (there are limitations, it is not always available).
  • Change the settings of the terms of sale (there are limitations, not always available).
  • Advantages of ladder smart orders
  • Risk management
  • The possibility of opening short and long positions
  • User friendly interface
  • The order can be opened both on futures exchanges and spot Crypto Signal exchanges
  • An opportunity to earn high profits
  • The Take Profit/Exit Ladder is used to add one or more exit targets to a new entry order, to create an all-in or smart order (buy then sell or sell then buy).


There are two types of take-profit/exit ladders:

The scale is used as a ladder for 2 to 10 outputs. You choose the high and low exit price, number of orders (steps), price scale and size scale (details below). Using these, Altrady calculates the price and value of each intermediate rung for the ladder.

Targets can be used for 1 to 10 exit targets and the trader selects the price (or profit percentage) and amount for each.

The Take Profit/Exit ladder can be combined with any type of entry: Standard, Stop Order, Trailing Stop or Ladder.

  • First, create the login command.
  • Click on Smart Orders to open the Smart Order options
  • Click on Take Profit / Exit Ladder to activate this option


*Scale**: For a ladder order of 2 to 10 targets, where Altrady determines the size and price of each target based on your chosen settings.

OR *Target**: Choose your output prices and sizes for 1 to 10 targets

Some exchanges have hard rate limits, which require Ultradi to submit your orders within a certain time period or via API Crypto VIP Signal. Make sure you have the "extra keys" required for your exchange to facilitate this process. At the time of writing, Poloniex and Kraken require additional keys. If you have rate limit errors in your ladder orders, check the documentation for your exchange/s for how to add additional keys.


In short: How to place an Exit Ladder/Scaled order

Scale: order details

Profit volume: choose the total amount of your entry position to exit - from 1% to 100%.

a) Type a number in the box or
b) Drag the slider (from 0% to 100%) or
c) Click on one of the percentage presets below.

If you're using a ladder entry, the default position size for your exit is initially based on the position size of your first rung. As more entries are filled, your position size increases for each exit.

Enter the start and end price

You can specify the start and end price in three ways:

Click on the EyeDropper icon, then click on a price on the chart to select that price.

Type the price in the box to edit an existing price by typing too much, first select the entire amount with the mouse or keyboard.

Choose from current prices: bid, ask or last

After entering the price, you can drag the price category up or down on the chart to change the order price.

Choose the number of orders for your ladder from 2 to 10.

Price scale

The price scale offers 3 predefined options for the distance between orders between the start and end price:

Linear: Equal distance

Exponential: order interval based on: 1:1:2:4:8:16 …. Pattern. A tighter gap is always the closest gap to the opening price and a wider gap is always closest to the closing price.

Fibonacci: The sequence interval is based on the Fibonacci series. For 10 orders, distance

Price scale

The price scale offers 3 predefined options for the distance between orders between the start and end price:

Linear: Equal distance

Exponential: order interval based on: 1:1:2:4:8:16 …. Pattern. A tighter gap is always the closest gap to the opening price and a wider gap is always closest to the closing price.

Fibonacci: The sequence interval is based on the Fibonacci series. For 10 orders, the distance between orders (from the starting price): 9%, 5.6%, 9%, 14.6%, 11.8%, 11.8%, 17%, 9.8%, 11.4%. When less than 10 orders are specified, there is a wider gap between the lower prices by combining the levels, for example for 8 orders: 9%, 5.6%, 9%, 14.6%, 11.8%, 11.8%, 38.2 %. In the case of the exponential option, since the orders are stacked towards the starting price, you can choose whether this price is high or low for your ladder.

  • Exponential price scale with start price = bottom price. Orders close to the lowest price are collected
  • Exponential price scale with start price = top price. The orders are close to the high price.

Size scale

The Size Scale option offers 5 presets to size each order on the scale.

These are:

  • Equal: The same amount is used for each order
  • Linear: Each order size is one size larger than the previous order.
  • Linear inverse: Each order size is an equal amount less than the previous order.
  • Exponential: The size of each order is twice the size of the previous order

Inverse Exponential: The size of each sequence is half of the previous sequence

With a large number of orders and/or a small total exit order size, exponential and exponential reversals can result in very small orders, possibly too small to meet the minimum size required by the exchange. Check the order sizes in the price flags on the chart.

The amount to be withdrawn in the base currency (in this case, LTC) is shown on the left with a white background.

The quoted currency amount (in this case BUSD) is shown on the right with a dark background. Since Binance Spot Trading Signals has a minimum order size of 10 BUSD, these 3 orders will be rejected by the exchange. Note that this does not occur until the entry order has been filled out and the exit order has been executed.

Orders are too small to be placed on the exchange

Add any other Smart Order options such as Stop Loss, Entry Expiry or time-based Autoclose.
Then click on: Place Order.


In short: How to place Take Profit: Exit Objectives.

Exit Objectives: Details

Target price Choose here whether you prefer to specify your outputs as a

Fixed Price: Enter actual prices (eg 1.107, 1.129, 1.149…).

Or Position %: Enter a percentage of the average entry price at which you want to take profit (eg 5%, 10%)

Type of goals

Profit volume (shortcut): Choose the total amount of your entry position to exit - from 1% to 100%.

a) Type a number in the box.
b) Drag the slider (from 0% to 100%) or
c) Click on one of the percentage presets below.

If you're using a ladder entry, the default position size for your exit is initially based on the position size of your first rung. As more entries are filled, your position size increases for each exit.

At first, a target will be visible. Click + Add Target to add as many additional targets as you need. By default, each target is assigned an equal share of the total position.

Enter targets using Profit Volume: Fixed Price

Choose your prices for each exit goal.

Objectives: Price

For each goal, you can specify a price in three ways:

a. Click on the EyeDropper icon, then click on a price on the chart to select that price.
b. Type the price in the box to edit an existing price by typing too much, first select the entire amount with the mouse or keyboard.
C. Choose from current prices: bid, ask or last

Once the price is entered, you can drag the price category up or down on the chart to change the order price.

Any target can be removed by clicking the ** x Remove ** next to it.

When a target is deleted, the position percentages all return to their default values, i.e. They are split equally between the targets.

position for each target

By default, the amount of position to be withdrawn in each target is divided equally between the targets.

You can change the exit ratio of each target by entering a number or dragging the slider. By doing this, the % position of all other targets will be adjusted to compensate.

Ratios are based on the amount of your position that you decide to exit and add up to 100%. They are rounded to the nearest whole number and if the number of targets is not evenly divided by 100, the remainder is added to the last target (eg for 3 targets: 33%, 33%, and 34%).

Enter targets using profit volume: % position

Select the profit percentage for each exit target.

Objectives: price 

For each goal, select the profit percentage. This can be entered in three ways:

a. Type the profit percentage in the Price % box. To edit an existing percentage by typing too much, first select the entire amount with the mouse or keyboard.
b. Drag the percentage slider
c. Choose from the percentages shown below the slider (1%, 2%, etc.).

A position for any purpose

Whether you enter targets using prices or percentages, position percentages work the same way.

By default, the amount of position to be withdrawn in each target is divided equally between the targets.

You can change the exit ratio of each target by entering a number or dragging the slider. By doing this, the % position of all other targets will be adjusted to compensate.

Ratios are based on the amount of your position that you decide to exit and add up to 100%. They are rounded to the nearest whole number and if the number of targets is not evenly divided by 100, the remainder is added to the last target (eg for 3 targets: 33%, 33%, and 34 %).

Place the order

Add any other Smart Order options such as Stop Loss, Entry Expiry or time-based Autoclose.
Then click on: Place Order.

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